週1回/年間43回 | コース | 定員 | 時間 | レッスン料 |
このみ 親子(1歳半~3歳) |
グループ | ~5組 | 40分 | 3,500円/月 1,000円/回 |
わかば 幼児(3~6歳) |
グループ | ~5名 | 40分 | 6,000円/月 1,700円/回 |
なえぎ 小学生 |
グループ | ~5名 | 50分 | 7,000円/月 2,000円/回 |
We have classes for all kids who want to learn Japanese, no matter the level:
Need daily Japanese for living in Japan?
Find classes in Japanese difficult?
Love to discuss issues in Japanese?
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
<このみ くらす>は、小さいお子様と保護者の方が一緒に参加するクラスです。いろんな音をまだまだ柔軟に聞き取れるこの時期に、さまざまなたのしいアクティビティーを通して、日本語特有の音やリズムを身に着けることができます。レッスンでは、おうちでの日本語の取り組み方などもお伝えいたします。ママだけでなく、パパ、おばあちゃん、おじいちゃんとの参加も大歓迎!!
Seed Class is for babies/toddlers and their parents. It is not too early to start learning another language at the age of 0-2. In fact, children at that age can hear and distinguish the various unique sounds of different languages better than adults. This class teaches students recognize and use the sounds and rhythms of Japanese through fun activities. We will also share some ways to use Japanese at home with your little ones. Dads and grandparents are welcome too.
<めばえ くらす>では、年齢および日本語によってクラス分けをしています。歌やお話などを通して、にほんごをたくさん聞いて、楽しくにほんごの音・リズムを身に付けます。さらに、さまざまなアクティビティーを通してひらがなやカタカナを学びます。
Sprout Classes are grouped according to age and Japanese skill level. Children will learn the sounds and rhythms of English through songs and chants. They will also learn how read and write Hiragana and Katakana through fun activities.
Listening, speaking, reading, and writing are all important parts of a language. Although many language classes for young children focus mainly on fun ways to learn listening and speaking alone, it can be difficult for children to practice and remember once they have left the classroom. When you teach reading and writing alongside listening and speaking, you learn all aspects of that word and can connect the look of the word to how it sounds. We teach all four skills from the start so that children can improve all their skills evenly.
<わかぎ くらす>は、年齢と日本語力に合わせてクラス分けをしています。日本語力だけでなく、学習スタイル、得意、苦手、性格なども子供ひとりひとりの個性がはっきりと出てくる小学生クラスでは、各クラスに合ったカリキュラムや教材は使用しています。クラスの日本語レベルに応じて、文字(ひらがな・カタカナ・漢字)の読み書きだけでなく、徐々に単語で書かれた本から短い文章にチャレンジをします。レッスンを通して、日本語をしっかり理解するだけでなく、自分からも発信する力を伸ばします。
Sapling Classes are grouped according to age and Japanese skill level. Learning style, strengths, and weakness differ from person to person, so we change textbooks and curricula too meet the needs of each class. Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji are introduced to children according to their level. Children will gradually develop their Japanese reading skills, starting with one-word books and working their way up to short stories and informative texts. In the lessons, they also practice expressing themselves in Japanese step by step.
〒532-0013 大阪府大阪市淀川区木川西2-20-2